Ramadan 2025 & When is Eid Al-Fitr 2025, Eid Ul Fitr, or Eid Day?
Last Year Ramdan 2024? Ramadan 2025 begins on the evening of Friday, 28 February, and finishes on the evening of Saturday, 29 March (EID Al Fitr). This year of Ramzan 2025 begins on 28 Feb 2025. Ramadan Month is a holy month for all Muslims worldwide. Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar, considered a blessed month in Islam. Some call Ramzan, Ramadhan, or Ramadan, the Month of Patience & Blessings.Muslims from all throughout the world do fasting, pray, recite the Quran Sharif, and do good deeds during this month of Ramadan. You are required to pre-plan Ramazan 2025 & wait for Eid Day, according to the Faith of all Muslims, they should prepare for fasting, Suhur, Iftar, Reciting Quran Kareem, Lailat ul Qadr, Nightly Prayers (Tarawih), Zakat, & Itikaf. During the Month of Ramadan, every Muslim people's practices fasting and prayers for their God. This month is taken of festivity & celebration as the Muslims involve themselves in reading the Quran, and Duas and spending maximum time doing Dhikr. The Muslims fast the whole month as it teaches them the real meaning of perseverance and grace.

When is Ramadan 2025, When is Eid Al-Fitr 2025, Things to be Done
When is Ramadan 2025?
When is Eid Al-Fitr 2025 or Eid Ul-Fitr 2025?
Best Things to be Done in the Days of Holy Ramadan Month
- Avoid the Routine for finding fun at Home and anywhere else
- You should make the habit of staying at the Mosques during every Prayer
- Make sure that you have cleared all your credits and feel the persons who made you glad as miserable as well and pray for them too with peace of mind for their good action
- Do any Giveaway or Charities to the Poor People whom you know alone
- Present good food to the Poor as well as People who beg for Food on the street
- During your Iftar Party, get the hang of those people who can’t do the same
- Grip the Holy Quran always with you and biz the things in Holistic habituate
- Always try to stay with your family for such activities as Eating Food, Prayer, and visiting your nearest family members and relatives
- Try not to make a single mistake and keep the word what to give to others should be honest
- If you own non-Muslim friends or neighbors, suffer not to break your maceration
- Try not to waste the food not only at the time of Ramadan but throughout your whole life
- Pluck up all the Crazy Islamic kids who are roaming here and there during Ramadan time and encourage them to read the Quran at the time of the same
- Make them all who read the Quran at Home or elsewhere by making the Holy Quran Meaningful and unmarked
- Try not to leave Fajr Prayers and perform all prayers on time
- You must avoid hot/cold beverages and fast foods along with family during Suhur or Iftar
- Never lie and do not make others do so in the Month of Ramadan
- Don’t Smoke or Make Others do So
- Take Down Your Gaze
- Even if you missed the Habit of learning Islam make sure that Ramadan month is for you to Learn some Knowledge in Islamic
- Makeup with Lots of Dua
- And all try not to Utilize the Religion by Street Events
Filed Under: EID 2025, Festival, Ramadan 2025