Assalamu‘alaikum warahmatullah Wabarkatuhu, We hope you and your family are in good aafiya. As per Islamic tradition, the figure of Hazrat Jibreel Alaihis Salam stands as a symbol of divine communication and guidance. Today, we will share with you about the age of Hazrat Jibreel Alaihis Salam in the light of Hadees Shareef.
According to authentic Hadees Sharif, the age of Hazrat Jibreel Alaihis Salam is as timeless as eternity itself. He exists beyond the confines of mortal time, transcending the limitations of human comprehension. While specific numerical ages may elude our understanding, the essence of Hazrat Jibreel Alaihis Salam remains immutable and everlasting.
In the renowned collection of Hadees, Sahih Muslim, it is narrated that Hazrat Jibreel Alaihis Salam appeared to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in various forms throughout his prophetic mission. From the initial revelation of the Quran to the pivotal moments in Islamic history, Hazrat Jibreel Alaihis Salam served as the intermediary between Allah SWT and His chosen messenger.
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Age of Hazrat Jibreel Alaihis Salam |
What Is The Age Of Hazrat Jibreel Alaihis Salam (Hadees Sharif)
Furthermore, the agelessness of Hazrat Jibreel Alaihis Salam underscores his eternal role in facilitating divine communication and revelation. As the archangel entrusted with delivering Allah's messages to the prophets, his presence transcends the boundaries of time and space, resonating across the ages with profound significance.
So, according to the following below Hadees or Hadith Shareef come to know about the age of Hazrat Jibreel Alaihis Salam as per our holy prophet.
Once our Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wa Sallam asked to Hadrat Jibrael Alaihis Salam,
"O Jibreel...!! How old are you?"
Jibreel al-Ameen Alaihis Salam replied,
"O our beloved Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi Wa Sallam, I do not know how old I am, but I do know that in the Fourth Covering, once I saw a star shine once every 70,000 years, & I saw this 72,000 times."
The Hazrat Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasalam then told,
"By the honour of Allah SubHanahu wa Ta’ala..! I was that star."
[Vol. 1, Page 974, Tafseer Rooh al-Bayaan]
In the tafsir of Al-Qurtubi, "And I am the primary of these who surrender because there is nobody who is first aside from Muhammad peace be upon him and blessings. If someone asks who are not Ibrahim and any prophets before him? As we reply that he comes first before them because of his importance in the creation.
The Prophet peace be upon him and blessings, himself provided the above explanation by pronouncing the above hadith after reciting verse 33:7. Then he added: "Thus the sequence began with me ahead of them" (Tafsir 10:3116, sub Q 33:7, Ibn Abi Hatim)
It is 1277500000000 X 70000 = 89425000000000000 Years.
A hadith regarding Jibril's age gives all of us a hint on this topic to discuss. Even, Hazrat Imam Zain-Ul-Abedin A.S, Imam Hajr Asqilani, Imam Taymiyah, and Muḥammad Ashraf Ali Thanvi wrote in his book quoted as Nashrudeeb and explained this Hadith Answer which will be the base of discussion today. There was only a piece of less information collected by different companions (sahabah), this is one of them.
One day our Holy Prophet (PBUH) asked Hazrat Jibreel (Gabriel) "What is your age? & what is the birth & death of angel Gabriel A.S replied I don't exactly about what my age is but the only thing I know is Allah's Arsh used to be on the water and nothing was in existence at that period aside from that."
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There was a star which I always used to see. It used to shine there with its Noor i.e. Light. later period the star used to hide out and so rise once again afterwards every 70000 years.
After Jibreel A.S finished narrating this, The Prophet (PBUH) smiled and asked do you know who that star was? The Angel replied O Prophet (PBUH) I don't know about this, Then, the Hazrat Prophet PBUH said I swear upon Allah the Almighty that the Star was of my noor/light, I was that star.
The one day of Judgement is equalled to 50000 years x 365 days in a year = 18250000 (one year in our period)
The above means that if we are going to live one year after the day of judgement then it will belong to 18250000 years reported to the period we are living in now.
18250000 x 70000 = 1277500000000 years
One year according to this period will be 1825000 so, let's calculate by 70000 to find what 70000 years will be in our period and the answer is 1277500000000 years.
1277500,000000 x 70000 = 89425000000000000 years
To find the total years, the angel saw it 70000 times if we multiply the previous answer by 70000 and then the answer is 89425000000000000 years.
Remember, these calculated years are only based on the period the Angel Jibreel/Gabriel saw, we do not know the actual of what was earlier age of the Angel Gabriel himself.
The Holy Prophet upon him blessings and peace be upon himself gave the above explanation and the above hadith by pronouncing after reciting this verse of 33:7. Further, he added "Thus the sequence began with me ahead of them" [Ibn Abi Hatim - Tafsir 10:3116, Sub Q - 33:7]
Rest Allah knows the best. We always try to provide correct information about Islam and Hadith Shareef.
In conclusion, while the age of Hazrat Jibreel Alaihis Salam may remain shrouded in mystery, his significance in Islamic tradition is unequivocal. Through authentic Hadees Sharif, we gain insight into the timeless existence of this celestial being, whose role in conveying divine guidance remains unparalleled. May we continue to reflect upon his profound significance and strive to embody the virtues he exemplifies in our lives.
Hope you like our post related to the age of Hazrat Jibrael Alaihis Salam as per holy Hadith Sharif.