Ramadan 2024 Time Table: Sehar, Iftar, And Fasting Timings For Your Convenience


Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, holds immense spiritual significance for Muslims worldwide. Fasting from dawn until sunset during this month is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, observed by millions as a means of self-discipline, purification, and spiritual growth.

Ramadan Kareem: 

Once again, the holy month of Ramadan is near to us. Now, the Ramadan 2024 timetable is also available here to know the Sehar & Iftar's timings of Ramzan fasting. It's time to participate in the fast, clean our minds, heart, and soul, and practice reaching closer to Allah (SWT).

As per the sighting of the moon, the month of Ramadan revolves by almost ten days per year, depending on the Islamic calendar which follows the lunar cycle. It is expected that Ramadan 2024 will begin on the evening of Saturday 09 March, with the first day of fasting on Sunday 10 March.

The return of Ramadan also brings an abundant moment to get unlimited blessings and rewards. During this favorable month, don't forget to donate your zakat by contributing good things to needy people.

Ramadan 2024 Time Table

Ramadan 2024 Time Table India Sehar Iftar Fasting Timings

Here, we have shared the Ramadan 2024 Time Table for Indian People as well as full details of Sehar and Iftar Fasting Timings. We also share important dates & days of Ramadan 2024.

Stay organized and spiritually connected during Ramadan 2024 with our comprehensive timetable featuring Sehar, Iftar, and fasting timings. Plan your daily schedule and maximize the blessings of this sacred month with ease.

Ramadan 2024 Time Table:

  1. Sehar Timings: Begin your day with the pre-dawn meal, known as Sehar, to sustain you through the day's fast. Our timetable provides accurate Sehar timings, allowing you to awaken in time for Suhoor and partake in this blessed meal before the Fajr prayer.
  2. Iftar Timings: Break your fast with the Maghrib prayer at sunset, marking the end of the day's fasting. Our timetable includes precise Iftar timings, ensuring that you can break your fast promptly and by Islamic tradition.
  3. Fasting Timings: Stay committed to your fast throughout the day with our detailed fasting timings, indicating the start and end times for each day of Ramadan 2024. With this information at your disposal, you can observe your fast diligently and reap the spiritual rewards of this blessed month.


  • The beginning of Ramadan 2024 & Moon Sighting on Saturday, 09 March
  • The first day of fasting (Roza) on Thursday, 10 March 2024
  • The Night of Power as Laylat al-Qadr Night on Saturday, 1st June
  • The final day of fasting is on 09 April, Friday
  • Eid-ul-Fitr 2024 is celebrated on 10 April, Saturday in India
Note: All dates are followed according to the moon sighting.


It is very important to know and remember yourself with the Ramadan timetable 2024 in rank to recognize the Holy month of Ramadan perfectly. We have shared Ramadan Calendar 2024 which includes Sehar & Iftar Timings as per dates. Fasting will start on the next day after the following moon sighting which indicates the beginning of Ramadan 2024.

If any Muslim person fails to finish their eating with the Ramzan timings of a pre-dawn meal called Sehri or suhoor which can end before the Fajr i.e. morning prayer will be invalidated from that day of fasting.

To break the fast called Iftar and timing of iftar will begin at the time of Maghrib prayers. Many Muslims make the tradition of breaking their fast by eating only dates and fruits before the night meal encircled by friends and family.

This Ramadan timetable 2024 has been provided for the Indian people. There may be local time modifications as per different cities, states, and areas in India.

Why is Ramadan Important For Muslims & Fast During Ramadan?

Five core Pillars of Islam can be followed by every Muslim:
  1. Shahadah: is a recital of Islamic faith i.e. reading of the Holy Qur’an
  2. Salah: this is a mandatory prayer performed five times a day, as ordered by Allah (SWT), to be performed by every Muslim before sunrise, at noon, evening, after sunset & before midnight
  3. Zakat: a charitable contribution based on a person's income; the amount of zakat is noted during the holy month of Ramadan as zakat amounts made during the Ramadan time secure a greater reward for the donor
  4. Fasting/Sawm: Ramadan is a month where fasting done by Muslims to fulfill and follow Islam's Pillars
  5. Hajj: it's an annual journey to Mecca that all qualified Muslims must perform hajj at least once in their life existence
During the fortunate month of Ramadan, we must take time to ponder on our beliefs and all of the blessings that we have taken. This is also a time of consideration, where we can recognize the fast and effective work to immerse ourselves under the instructions described in the Holy Qur'an.


Ramadan 2024 timetable for the UK, UAE & other countries may vary timings for Sehri & Iftar Fastings. For India, we have already shared the above complete Ramadan Timetable 2024 with all required details to follow and validate your fasting in this upcoming Ramzan days.

Some are looking for the Ramadan Calendar 2024 as this is the same thing as the Ramadan 2024 timetable.

How to Use the Ramadan Time Table:

  • Bookmark this timetable for quick and easy access to Sehar, Iftar, and fasting timings throughout Ramadan 2024.
  • Set reminders on your devices to alert you when it's time to begin or end your fast, ensuring that you stay on track with your observance of Ramadan.
  • Share this timetable with family and friends to help them organize their Ramadan schedules and maximize the blessings of this sacred month together.


With our Ramadan 2024 timetable, you can navigate the month of fasting with confidence and mindfulness. Seize the opportunity to deepen your connection with Allah, strengthen your faith, and cultivate gratitude and compassion towards others. Ramadan Mubarak!

We hope you would like to know details on Ramadan 2024 Time Table: Sehar, Iftar, And Fasting Timings.

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